Om Sweet Om

Om Sweet Om

Om Sweet Om
Shanti Shanti Shanti Om
Wheel Within a Wheel
Sarvesham Svastir Bhavatu
Sarvesham Shantir Bhavatu
Sarvesham Purnam Bhavatu
Sarvesham Mangalam Bhavatu

Auspiciousness be unto all,
Perfect peace be unto all, Fullness be unto all,
Prosperity be unto all

OM = Sacred Syllable
Shanti = Peace
Sarvesham = Entire, for everyone
Svastir = Well being, success, abundance
Shantir = Peacefulness
Purnam = Fullness, contentedness
Mangalam = Felicity, happiness
Bhavatu = Amen! I agree!

Now it’s time to bliss out. This hypnotic journey weaves several chants together to create a cosmic soundtrack, reflective of the amazing workings of our universe. From the cycle of our breath to the cycle of the seasons, from the orbits of the planets to the trajectory of the galaxy. A wheel within a wheel within a wheel. Breathe deeply and slowly and experience the delightful workings of Om Sweet Om.

Next – Ganesha Ganapataye

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