
Sanskrit Lyrics
Meaning and interpretations

Check out the lyrics for each album here:

First Chants

Second Chants

Chants to Dance

Phat Chants

Gayatri Mantra

The chants of Bryanjali are primarily in Sanskrit, which is an ancient root language and is the oldest known Indo-European language that has an extensive historical written documentation. It is the language of yoga, philosophy, and religious texts from ancient India.

Sanskrit chants present a universal message of hope and well being for the family of humankind, and for the entire planet. These chants can help cultivate a mindset of goodwill for ourselves, for each other, and for our shared world. They also bring our awareness to many different aspects of our human experience that benefit from focused attention.

The definitions and interpretations listed here are to help create an understanding of the intentions of the chants. Most of us do not have Sanskrit as our mother tongue, and the language is mostly unfamiliar. When we chant in Sanskrit, we can disconnect from our mind’s tether to the meaning of each word, and more easily experience a meditative state and allow ourselves to be immersed in the energy of the chant.

Learn more about Chanting and Kirtan

This is a Shruti Box, which has bellows and reeds. It creates a constant drone sound which is often used in chanting, kirtan, and even meditation. The Sanskrit word Shruti can mean ‘hymn’, ‘ear’, and ‘to listen’.

In Indian music, shruti is a concept of the smallest pitch interval that a vocalist or instrument can produce that remains distinguishable to the human ear.