Gate Gate

Gate Gate

(Pronounced gah-tay)

Gate, Gate, Paragate
Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha

Gone, Gone, Gone beyond, Gone WAY beyond
Enlightenment Hail! What an Awakening!

Gate = gone. Gone from suffering to the liberation from suffering. Gone from the unreal to the real. Gone from forgetfulness to mindfulness. Gone from duality into non-duality.

Gate Gate = gone, gone

Paragate = gone all the way to the other side. All the way over.

In Parasamgatesam means everyone everywhere. All beings everywhere passed through to the other side. The sanskrit word sam is the root of the english word ‘same’.
Bodhi is awakened, enlightened, aware of the light inside

Svaha is a cry of excitement or joy like Hail! or Hallelujah!

This chant is often sung as a meditation, slow and thoughtful. The version on First Chants is a lively and joyous rendition that reminds us of the freedom that comes from letting go. Celebrate!

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