Om Hare Om

Om Hare Om

Om Hare Om
Hare Om Hare
Govinda Hare Gopala Hare
Hey Prabhudina Dayala Hare

Hare = a calling for ‘Hara’ (hara is feminine divine)
Govinda = a name of Krishna – finder of lost cows (souls)
Gopala = a name of Krishna – protector of cows (souls)
Hey = O! or similar to English HEY – a word of exclamation
Prabhu = master, lord, sovereign, all-powerful
Dina = poor, miserable, humble
Dayala = giving, kind, considerate
dina-dayala = an epithet of God meaning “merciful to the poor”.

Approx. translation:  O Finder and protector of Lost Souls, you show mercy to the poor.

The Intention of the Chant

In this chant we reflect on the divine characteristics of compassion for those who are experiencing less than fortunate circumstances. It reminds us that while the principles are divine in nature, they are best expressed through human actions of compassion and empathy.

Next – Santoshat Anuttama

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