
About Bryanjali

Bryanjali is the kirtan offering of Bryan Keith. (Anjali is the Sanskrit word that means “gift” or “offering”)

Inspired by yoga philosophy and the life-changing energy of music, Bryan brings his personal style to the ancient practice of chanting and kirtan. The music of Bryanjali engages the listener and promotes ideas of well being for self, others, and our shared world.

Bryan is the producer of Bryanjali, writes the music, performs most of the instruments, creates all the vocal parts, and engineers the projects. Other musicians and friends occasionally join in the musical celebration.

Bryan has been a musician all of his life, and in the last decade has discovered a great love for the positive and uplifting aspects of chanting and kirtan. First came the writing (so far he has composed over one hundred kirtan/chanting arrangements*). Then came the experience of leading chanting and kirtan in classes and workshops.
Then the recordings began!. And here we are now. What a fun and exciting journey – Hope you join us!

*it occurs to me that even though I’ve written a host of songs, some have been real stinkers. Ha. It’s like you have to kiss a few kirtan frogs before finding your prince.  -B

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If this picture is any indication, sometimes my music will put you right out!