Govinda Hare

Govinda Hare

Govinda Hare  Gopala Hare
Hey Prabhu Deena Dayala Hare
O finder and protector of Lost Souls, you show mercy to the poor

Hare = A salute to the divine creative force
Hey = Similar to English Hey! O!
Prabhu = Lord, Master, Sovereign, All-Powerful
Deena = Poor, Miserable, Humble
DayalaKind, Considerate, Giving
Deena-Dayala = A phrase meaning “merciful to the poor”

Govinda and Gopala are two names for Krishna, and represent the finder and protector of lost cows (also lost souls). Hey Prabhu Deena Dayala is a petition to divine source to have mercy and compassion on the poor and downtrodden. When we lift others up with our intentions and meditations, it leads us to action to help others while simultaneously bolstering our own sense of well-being.

Next – Lokah Samastah (Be Good And Kind)

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